Personal Accident Insurance

A helping hand when you need it most


Up to £25,000 in financial support

  • • Included with Premium membership

  • • Lump sum payments for broken bones, disablement and death

  • • Cover for overnight hospital stays

  • • Cover for physio, medical expenses and more


Been in an incident?


Personal accident insurance - how does it work?

Life can sometimes take a sudden turn, so it's comforting to know that financial support is available if a cycling accident leaves you injured.  We’ve enhanced our personal accident insurance to include cover for broken bones, physiotherapy, counselling, dentistry, event fees and gadget cover. See below for more details.


Permanent Total Disablement

Up to £25,000

Cover for when you are no longer able to work at the role you are trained, qualified or experienced to do, following bodily injury.

Loss of Limb

Up to £25,000

Cover as a result of permanent physical severance or permanent total loss of use of a limb.


Up to £10,000

Cover for bodily injury following an accident which is the sole and independent cause of death.

Funeral Expenses

Up to £10,000

Cover for funeral costs and expenses.

Broken Bones

Up to £500

Cover for broken bones including arm, leg, clavicle, scapula, spine, and skull as a result of bodily injury following an accident.


£25 per each overnight stay

Cover for bodily injury following an incident which results in hospital admission.

Physiotherapy or Osteopathy Treatment

Up to £500

Cover for bodily injury as a result of accident that requires physio or osteopathy treatment.

Dental Expenses

Up to £2,500

Cover, following an accident that requires emergency dental work.

Optical Expenses

Up to £2,500

Cover for optical expenses as a result of bodily injury.

Gadget Cover

Up to £250

Cover for detachable and/or wearable electronic equipment if it is damaged as a result of an accident where you suffer an injury.

Return to Home

Up to £50

Cover for the cost of a taxi or public transport if you are injured or your bike is damaged to the extent that you can’t continue to ride.

Event Fees

Up to £100

Reimbursement for a pre-booked event which has already been paid for and is non-refundable, if you can no longer participate due to bodily injury as a result of an accident


Up to £250 per week up to a maximum of £5,000

Cover for telephone counselling, face to face counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy following bodily injury or if you have witnessed an injury.

Please note this is a list of the main policy benefits and is not exhaustive.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Personal Accident insurance?

Personal Accident insurance cover is provided for all British Cycling Premium Members aged between 5 and 80 years of age*

The policy provides lump sum benefits if you are involved in a cycling accident. An accident is a sudden and unexpected or unforeseen specific event which occurs at an identifiable time and place.

*Existing Race Gold members also have the benefit of this cover until the end of your current membership.

What are the benefits of the Personal Accident Cover?

See below for an outline of the key policy benefits;

Permanent Total Disablement

Up to £25,000

Cover for when you are no longer able to work at the role you are trained, qualified or experienced to do, following bodily injury.

Loss of Limb

Up to £25,000

Cover as a result of permanent physical severance or permanent total loss of use of a limb.


Up to £10,000

Cover for bodily injury following an accident which is the sole and independent cause of death.

Funeral Expenses

Up to £10,000

Cover for funeral costs and expenses.

Broken Bones

Up to £500

Cover for broken bones including arm, leg, clavicle, scapula, spine, and skull as a result of bodily injury following an accident.


£25 per each overnight stay

Cover for bodily injury following an incident which results in hospital admission.

Physiotherapy or Osteopathy Treatment

Up to £500

Cover for bodily injury as a result of accident that requires physio or osteopathy treatment.

Dental Expenses

Up to £2,500

Cover, following an accident that requires emergency dental work.

Optical Expenses

Up to £2,500

Cover for optical expenses as a result of bodily injury.

Gadget Cover

Up to £250

Cover for detachable and/or wearable electronic equipment if it is damaged as a result of an accident where you suffer an injury.

Return to Home

Up to £50

Cover for the cost of a taxi or public transport if you are injured or your bike is damaged to the extent that you can’t continue to ride.

Event Fees

Up to £100

Reimbursement for a pre-booked event which has already been paid for and is non-refundable, if you can no longer participate due to bodily injury as a result of an accident


Up to £250 per week up to a maximum of £5,000

Cover for telephone counselling, face to face counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy following bodily injury or if you have witnessed an injury.

Please note this is a list of the main policy benefits and is not exhaustive.  

When am I covered?

The policy provides cover for non-competitive, social, leisure and utility cycling, including commuting and club rides, and also competitive cycling when participating in events held under the auspices of British Cycling.

Cover is also provided whilst participating in competitive events held under the auspices of other cycling organisations whose rules and regulations (including Event Safety Guidelines) are acceptable to British Cycling*.

The following organisations promote competitive events under rules and regulations (including Event Safety Guidelines) that are acceptable to British Cycling*. Please note that cover is only provided in respect of cycling disciplines, or variants thereof, which are formally endorsed and regulated by British Cycling:

  • Scottish Cycling (Scottish Cyclists’ Union)
  • Welsh Cycling (Welsh Cycling Union)
  • Cycling Time Trials (CTT)
  • BSCA (British Schools Cycling Association)
  • BUCS (British Universities & Colleges Sport)
  • UCI-affiliated National Governing Bodies

 Cover also includes direct travel to and from any venue for the purposes of participating in an approved event.

 *Members wishing to check whether an event is held under the auspices of British Cycling or other cycling organisations whose rules and regulations (including Event Safety Guidelines) are acceptable to British Cycling should contact our Membership team on 0161 274 2010.

Who and what is not covered?
  • Persons under the age of 5 and over the age of 80.
    • Whilst we are unable to provide this additional cover to members aged over 80 years and under 5 years, it is very important to remember that the individual members’ third party liability insurance cover is still provided to members without age restriction.

  • Occupational cycling and where the bike is a tool of trade (inclusive of professional cyclists where the individual is a full time paid professional cyclist).

  • The insurance does not cover for;
    • illness or disease (not resulting from bodily injury caused by an accident)
    • any naturally occurring condition or degenerative process; or
    • any gradually operating process.
What conditions apply?
  • The member must be normally resident in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man*.
  • Includes the use of dernys and electrically assisted pedal cycles which are not required to be registered for road use under current legislation. See for the government definition of an e-bike.
  • Geographical limit - worldwide subject to a maximum of 30 days per trip outside the UK*.
  • All claims to be reported as soon as reasonably possible and in any event within 90 days.

* Members of HM Armed Forces are however covered whilst temporarily stationed abroad.

Membership Types



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£80per year

The same as a Member, plus:

  • Personal accident cover including physio, dentistry and gadgets   

  • Enhanced discounts such as 40% off TrainingPeaks subscription